Barely have the energy lately 
to get through your days?

No, you don’t just have to suck it up because “you’re getting older,” 
and yes, I can help you reset your health and reclaim your energy!


Welcome, Friend!

I’m Sheetal, The Midlife Energizer. 

As a health & wellness coach for women 45 and up, I’m passionate about helping you step into your best health during midlife. (Yep, I said it… your best health!) Because *spoiler alert* you don’t need to be in your 20s to feel and look amazing. When you know how to nourish, restore, and energize your body for the stage you’re in, any decade can be your best decade. 

But what about the fatigue, brain fog, and extra weight?

Maybe you’re dealing with all these midlife symptoms – and more. You want to be the person who has enough energy to stay active with your family or shine bright at work … but you don’t feel like yourself. Worse still, all the things you used to do to stay healthy and fit just aren’t cutting it anymore. Your doctor says you’re doing “perfectly fine,” so why doesn’t it FEEL that way? 

I can relate … 

Back in 2006, I started having debilitating migraines and feeling more tired than usual. After mentioning the migraines and fatigue to my doctor, her immediate response was to offer medications. She also said I was just “getting older” and that, as a mom of three young kids, it was only natural that I’d be tired. 

In other words, I just needed to suck it up. 

Still, it didn’t feel like “regular” mom fatigue to me, and it wasn’t my style to take medications. I wanted answers and deeper support that I just wasn’t getting. 

I grew up with an Eastern ayurvedic philosophy and I wanted to know 
WHY I was feeling this way – not be given a band-aid solution.

As the years went on, I took things into my own hands.   

In my quest for answers, I immersed myself in my own wellness research. I was fascinated by all things health-related, and in 2008, I started an exercise studio. I ran this until 2012, when I chose to devote more time to my children. But meanwhile, the low energy and other nagging issues kept resurfacing. It didn’t make sense … Why all the issues when I was living a healthy, active life? 

Then came my coaching certification.  

In 2014, I started IIN Holistic health & nutrition school to learn how to nourish, heal, and thrive in all aspects of my life. In truth, my initial goal was to fix what was broken in my own health journey, not to coach others. However, in becoming a certified health coach, I now have information that other women in middle age can benefit from too. 

I’ve since gotten to the bottom of my fatigue (*It turns out, I needed to cut out gluten and reduce my toxic load*), and I feel a million times better. I’ve also learned how to listen to my body, which is constantly sending me signals. Your body is doing the same thing … and once you learn how to interpret those messages, you can speed up your health journey, too. 

I’m in my early 50s, and for the first time in a LONG time, I finally feel energized, youthful, and inspired to shine in this next great chapter of my life. 

nourish, restore, energize

Now, back to YOU. 

I share my story because I want you to know that if you’re also experiencing low energy, brain fog, joint pain, inflammation, weight gain, and other symptoms, you don't have to. 

You also don’t need to accept the statement that “You’re just getting older.” 

I believe that midlife is where many women do their best work, and nothing would make me happier than to support you in your journey of resetting your health, reclaiming your energy, and aging well in your 50s. 


Want to bypass all the Googling and confusion that comes with trying to improve your health? 

Book a free, 1:1 call with me so we can fast-track your results. 


Still reading? 

Then you’re just in time for the fun stuff! 

A few of my favorites

HOBBIES: Hiking with the family & dog or playing ball on the beach 
WAYS TO RELAX: Meditation, a good book, being in nature 
MOVIE: Crazy Stupid Love
BOOK: Interpreter Of Maladies, by Jhumpa Lahiri 
MUSIC: Anything pop or Pearl Jam 
MOTTO: “Be the change you want to see in the world” 
SNACK: Chips and salsa + a margarita 
BEVERAGE: Home-made chai, the ultimate comfort drink!